Welcome, time traveller

We’re excited you’ve taken the first step to imagine a different 2030.  

Good Life 2030 is a project that uses ‘futures thinking’ and ‘imagination practices’ as a tool to unlock more powerful possibilities for change in the present. Imagination is something we are born with, so everyone can do this. You don’t need special skills, just an open mind.  

We’ve been refining these practices with over 200 industry leaders since 2021, as a way into rethinking what a Good Life looks like, and what our role in shaping it might be. 

Now we’ve built this toolkit to help more leaders and changemakers access these valuable tools. If you’re motivated to make change happen, these exercises will support you to define your vision of a future worth working for.

"The future isn’t just a place you’ll go. It’s a place you will invent.”

Nancy Duarte

What to expect

We’ve designed this toolkit to make it as easy as possible for you to imagine and create a vision of your future. But you should still aim to leave around 90 minutes, ideally spread over a few days, to give you time to reflect and integrate your experience. 
40 minutes

Part one

Journey to the Future

Imagination journey: visit the year 2030 and explore what a good life looks like for you. 
Citizen Visions: hear what UK citizens are dreaming of in their 2030 visions.
Your future vision: reflect on what this means for your 2030 good life.
30 minutes

Part two

Connect to your future work

Now you’ve been to 2030, consider what it would take for your work to support the Good Life you want.
20 minutes

Part three

Co-create a manifesto

Finally, make yourself heard. Collaborate on a shared manifesto for an industry in service of a Good Life for all.

Getting ready

Gather some materials

There will be a few creative and reflection exercises along the journey. You can do this however suits you, but you might find it helpful to download and/or print the workbook to guide you along the way. It will give you some helpful prompts. Aim to do this on a desktop if you can, but you can still follow along on mobile.

Find a quiet relaxing space 

Ideally complete this journey away from your usual working environment, somewhere where you are comfortable and won’t be distracted. We recommend using headphones as audio experiences are part of the journey.

And don’t be tempted to rush! 

With imagination work, we’ve learnt there are no shortcuts. It’s subtle work, and requires real attention. It might be tempting to skip an exercise once you’ve got the jist, but we promise it won’t be the same if you do. 

Why futures thinking?

Rethinking the good life

What’s with 2030? 

Part one

Imagination journey

You’re about to set off on an audio-guided journey to the year 2030. We’ve created this journey with our imagination partners at New Constellations

This experience has been designed for you to do wherever you are, but a quiet place to reflect will help.

20 minutes
Get your workbook or some paper and pens, & give yourself at least 20 minutes to do this exercise, ideally with your headphones plugged in.

Sitting comfortably? Click play to start.   

Welcome back

How did it feel to visit the future? Our guess is there might be a lot you’d like to change, and you’re not alone in wishing for this. When offered the time and space to imagine something different, many people arrive at surprisingly clear and consistent visions of the world they want. 

In the next exercise, we’re going to share what others envisioned when they imagined their own 2030. We invite you to consider what feels consistent with your responses, and where you might differ.

Citizens' Visions

We’ve run similar imagination exercises with a group of UK citizens who represent the UK mainstream perspective on climate. This segment is concerned about the climate crisis and carries some anxiety about the future. But they’re not yet taking demonstrable climate actions to change the course of their future. We call them a “conflicted middle”, and they make up 42% of the UK population.* 

*This proportion appears to be roughly consistent with studies conducted in other nations with similar emissions and resource use. Wherever you are, you may imagine those in your community who share these values or attitudes. 

10 minutes

We are now going to learn how others describe their vision of a Good Life in the future. 

While you're reading and listening, think about: 

  • How are UK citizens describing their vision of a good life in the future?
  • How do these visions compare with what you explored in your imagination journey?

Citizens were invited to imagine what a Good Life looks like for them in 2030.

The components of citizens' Good Life are clear.

Citizens are all dreaming of shifting from separateness to interconnectedness, be that with themselves, with others, or with nature.

Explore the key themes from our most recent report below.

Citizens’ future visions involve prioritising themselves and reflecting on what they want and need in life.

Citizens are dreaming of stepping out of the rat race, and adopting a slower pace of life.

In shaky times, firm foundations on which to live are a higher priority. 

Citizens are feeling shackled by volatile systems, and desire to be more self-sufficient in the future.

Key shifts for 2030
From rat race…
to slower pace
From shaky ground…
to firm foundations 
From shackled….
To self-sufficient 

Citizens are still reprising the value of relationships with friends, family, neighbours and wider society in their visions of a good life.

Citizens envisage a future with close knit community ties and support systems.

Now, the emphasis is less on fun & games, and more on care & stability

Instead of living ad hoc, citizens imagine protecting their routines and rituals with loved ones. 

Key shifts for 2030
From loose ties…
to close knit
From fun and games…
to care and stability 
From ad hoc…
to routines & rituals 

In 2023, citizens’ future good life means orienting around their environment and the natural world in new ways.

Citizens are keen to reappraise nature less as a distant relative, and more as immediate family

They dream of doing more with less resources.

However, they are also preoccupied with evidence of nature unravelling, and have new visions of seeing nature stabilised

Key shifts for 2030
From distant relative …
to immediate family
From have it all …
to do more with less
From nature unravelling… to nature stabilised 

Time to pause and reflect. 

  • How much of your own vision of a Good Life centred around connection - to yourself, to others, or to nature?
  • Which themes in the citizens’ voices did you particularly connect with, or feel differently to?  

Your future vision

You’ve nearly completed part one of this toolkit. Before you take a break, take 10 minutes to consider, with everything you’ve seen and heard, what a Good Life in 2030 looks like for you now. 

Jot down what a good life looks like for you personally, for those around you, and for your wider environment.  

Enjoy it - this is your vision of a future worth working for! 

10 minutes
If you’re using the workbook you’ll find a 'My Future Vision template' on page 8 with a few helpful prompts. 

Congratulations, you’ve completed part one and you’re already halfway through this toolkit. 

50 minutes

We suggest you sleep on it and put aside 50 minutes tomorrow or in the next week to revisit this journey.

In part two, we’re going to consider the role of advertising, marketing and media in helping us redirect towards the new Good Life.